Monday, August 6, 2012

So close but no cigar :(

        I was so excited to have these two little girls with us for our first respite placement. Tuesday morning the foster mother of the girls called to let me know that the bio grandparents had decided to take them for the weekend so we wouldn't be needed after all. I was a little bummed but I know that the girls will be happier to have spent that time with grandma and grandpa. I am now axiously awaiting our next placement oppertunity. Our trainer told us during training that we should try not to be to excited about placements seeing as how for us to get a placement a child has to be in a bad situation. We don't want to wish that n any child even if it does mean we get a baby to love for a while. :)
        Elaine ( Our case worker) Emailed me today to ask if we were interested in a 6 day respite placement of four boys. The boys are quite a bit older then we were planning on taking on and David is currently out of town on work so I felt like it was best to turn it down and let the boys go to a home more suited for them for the week. I think David would have had a heart attack had he come home to 4 preteen/teenaged boys haha. He was a little caught off guard when we were called so quickly for the first time to take the two girls! I felt like it was the begining of the next step after a long wait but he felt surprised and almost not quite ready :) Difference between a man and a woman I suppose ;)

Until next time...

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